
Friday, June 4, 2010


first let me start with this disclaimer...i have a hurt knee right now so i am not training otherwise i would be blogging about my you are stuck with rants and useless thoughts.

anyway what's the deal with drama? seriously the word is not in the bible, or at least i don't ever think i've seen it. but i think it should have been. i hate drama but it seems to follow me. i often wonder if drama follows all of us. most everybody i know would agree with my dislike for "D"!! Are we as humans really that complicated that we make even the smallest things overly complicated?

without getting into too much detail...why can't two people just be together? why are there always rules and stipulations and labels? do you like me? yes. i like you. ok so lets see where this goes. simple enough but it never happens that way. seems like outsiders always want to put their two cents in and next thing you know you're so turned around you don't know whether you are coming or going. you can't have a simple convo without analyzing every word and phrase. should i say this, should i say that. is that to much, to little, what will they think if i say that or do this. good grief! where did these rules come from that muddy up even the simplest of relationships?!?!?

i just wish things could be simple. why do we all play games? hardly anybody says what they mean anymore. we all hide behind our mask and secretly love to see each other hurt, fail, or just be generally miserable...just to make us feel better about our own lives. most love gossip and most talk about their own friends behind there backs. when people ask how you are doing in passing they don't actually care or want a response. i guess that's why the bible says let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. somehow we have gotten away from that. we hide behind social media and portray our lives through status updates and tweets. i'm even guilty of this. i put up status's all the time when i'm hurting. of course i do it in a way that everybody knows something is wrong but has not the slightest clue about what. why can't i or anybody else just post "i'm pissed because so n so is causing "D" in my life" ??? i guess that wouldn't be politically correct right? we sure can't allow that to happen.

so in closing...if i can even say i made any sense. i just wish things were simple. if you're pissed at me...then say it. if you don't like something i've done...tell me. but i know that won't happen. i know people will continue to go behind my back and yours...talking and running there mouth with "did you hear" or "did you see their status" or "omg i can't believe the pics they posted" but the next time they see you it will be all smiles and high fives. funny how we are like that. we live for Drama but hate it so much...

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